Partnering with Parents from Birth to Graduation

Being a parent is hard. How do we raise our kids to love Jesus? How do we grow to be the kind of parents we really want ourselves to be? At FBC, we're not about "doing it right" so kids "get it right." The heart behind our ministry is to support you, and to give you tools to create a grace-filled environment in your home. This, of course, only happens when we, as parents, are yielded to Christ's work in and through us. No matter where you're kids are, the Family Ministry at FBC has a targeted strategy:
Partnering with parents (2 > 1 + 1) for milestones, offering resources, and hosting Family Experiences. Small groups in every class at every grade level. Wednesday Night ministries that are dynamic, fun, and helpful for our children.  
Involvement = Ownership. Encouraging kids and students toward personal ministry with Sunday morning serving opportunities, family serving opportunities, and summer mission journeys.

  Click on the DK Kids icon below to follow our Family Ministries Facebook page.